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Positions Open at Small Axe Farm – 2025

We are accepting applications for 2025

We have 2 positions open as of now for our vegetable production crew. We are a small team of 6 seasonal full timers (mid March-Nov 1) plus a few part timers to help with harvest days. We are a tight knit group! We do have some flexibility with our timelines so please reach out even if your availability looks different than what we’ve posted for.

We are always looking for folks who want to learn farming. We prefer folks who have some kind of farming experience but are certainly willing to hire someone without any, if they are a good fit with great references. This is a highly detailed, physical job. If you have interest in learning how to run a small successful no till market farm, this is a good place to start. We have been growing for 2 decades and have been running Small Axe Farm since 2009. Come learn with us! Job descriptions here:

2024 Summer CSA is open


Yes! Summer CSA for 2024 is coming!

This is the time of year where we receive a lot of early bird sign ups for our CSA.  We offer a discount if you sign up and pay before March 15th.  Check out the website for details. I’d have to say we probably have one of the more flexible CSA’s.  Because our online farm store is open year round, members can spend whatever amount they want to for their CSA each week, they can skip weeks, and they can add to the funds in their account if they run out early. 

We have already started seedlings that will eventually be planted in our greenhouses.  We have seeded 2 of our greenhouses during our last little warm spell.  It’s great to get a jump on planting.  It can be a gamble, but generally it pays off with early crops.  Goodness knows we are all ready for some fresh local greens.

We do offer microgreens, microsalad, pea shoots and sunflower shoots year round with pick up spots in St. Johnsbury, Littleton and Barnet.  Join our weekly newsletter to get the skinny on that.  

We are all hired up for the coming season and super excited about our returning team and some new additions. (Welcome Izzie & Lauren!)  More about them later!

Thanks to all of you are committed to supporting your local farmers.  We are so excited to grow for you!

Heidi & Evan

Spring Bounty!

We have had such an amazing Spring so far. Our unheated high tunnels have been bursting with salad greens, bok choi, salad turnips, french breakfast radish and cilantro. Our fields are 100% planted with more of the same as well as our longer term crops like broccolini (our favorite), cabbage, potatoes, fennel and a lot more. Our greenhouses have just been flipped and turned to our hot weather crops. Lots of zucchini, tomatoes and snacking cucumbers have taken over where spring crops were. We have an incredible crew this year and are so thankful for their ceaseless energy and enthusiasm. We are excited to see how the rest of the season goes…

Farm News – April

We are so excited to finally have the Real Organic Project logo on our label. We have been certified Real Organic for a few years now and we think it is so important that customers understand what it means. Why isn’t our Organic certification enough? Because the National Organic standards have changed. Big business took over the Organic industry and they have diluted what it means to be organic. Farmers can grow food hydroponically, where soil is not involved at all, creating tremendous downward pressure on prices and still be Organic Certified. Huge farms that drain aquifers, exploit workers and treat their animals poorly can label their products Organic. Real Organic means that we grow our produce in soil. This project is trying to bring back the original principles that organic was founded on. Growing in soil organically gives back in so many ways. We are fostering the soil to create healthy produce. This certification doesn’t just apply to veggie producers. It applied to everything with an organic label. Real Organic ensures that livestock is pastured, not confined in (CAFO’s) Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Find out more at and read your labels carefully at the grocery store.

Heading into Winter…

As we head into Winter we are busy, busy, busy! Late Fall is the only opportunity that we have to catch up on projects. The rest of the year we are planting, harvesting and delivering with little room for anything else! After a great season we are putting up some new high tunnels to expand our shoulder season production. Others Fall projects include general Fall clean up (putting away row cover, sand bags, tarps, etc), organizing the books, ordering seed for next season…yes, this early!…and prepping for next season. It’s also time for REST! Woohoo! We will fill our downtime with lots of back country and xc skiing, tons of wild skating if the ice is good, lots of cooking and baking, family time, knitting, carving and reading!